In Thabyaybin village, Yamethin Township, eight people have died. Across Myanmar, 113 have lost their lives due to floods and landslides. Additionally, 64 are missing, and 14 have been injured, according to Major General Zaw Min Tun, SAC spokesperson.
He shared this information during a briefing on the ongoing relief and rescue operations related to the floods caused by Cyclone Yagi and a depression that formed in the Bay of Bengal.
“I would like to inform the public that certain groups, including destructive media, are trying to undermine the aid and rescue efforts by spreading misinformation and downplaying the united strength of the people. These groups are spreading rumours to frighten the public. One such example is the false report claiming that about 700 people died in Thabyaybin Village, Yamethin Township. In reality, rescue teams have already arrived in the village. Only eight people have died, and some were injured. The injured have been transported to hospitals and clinics,” Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun stated.
He added that warnings about the depression were issued as early as 29 August. Similarly, warnings about powerful Cyclone Yagi and the associated risks of floods, torrential rains, and landslides in central Myanmar were widely circulated by the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology from 9 September onwards.
The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the State Administration Council, along with relevant ministers, have been visiting areas affected by natural disasters. The Disaster Management Committee has established a 24-hour operational office to manage real-time response efforts. Military personnel, members of the Myanmar Police Force, the Fire Brigade, the Red Cross, NGOs, and volunteers are actively cooperating in the relief efforts, Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun noted.
He also reported that, as of 1 p.m. yesterday, during the evacuation of villages west of Zayatgyi in Taungoo, a member of the Tatmadaw (Myanmar Armed Forces) and a police officer, both part of the rescue teams, were swept away by floodwaters and are still missing. “I would like to commend the efforts of the Tatmadaw personnel, police officers, Red Cross, and volunteer rescue teams. Our government is committed to conducting rescue and rehabilitation operations as swiftly and effectively as possible. The Ministry of Social Welfare and Resettlement is also preparing to provide victims with financial assistance for rice and rations, as well as compensation for the deceased and injured. Those who have lost their homes will receive cash assistance based on the extent of the damage,” he said.
“At present, flood victims will receive cash for food while staying in shelters at fixed rates. We are also welcoming donations for rescue operations. We have already seen volunteers donating cash, and I would like to express my sincere thanks for their contributions on behalf of the government. In conclusion, we must demonstrate our united strength during this natural disaster. Our unity is essential,” Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun emphasized.
Eleven Media
Asia News Network